Category: TSC NEWS

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Kenya National Union Of Teachers KNUT through its Secretary General Wilson Sossion has distanced itself from reports that it is opposing reappointment of Dr....
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has disowned a document doing rounds in the social media with detailed list of administrators in each county. The document that...
The Teachers Service Commission is advertising 500 posts (191 posts for Primary Schools and 309 posts for Secondary Schools) for teachers on Contract to...
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has urged the general public to ignore an advert circulating in social media purporting that the commission is seeking to...
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has urged teachers to make voluntary contribution to help in the fight against the coronavirius pandemic that has devastatingly affected...
Teachers Service Commission has retracted its earlier communication on more than 3,500 teachers missing April salary as result of not declaring their wealth. Through short...
More than 3,500 TSC employees have faced the wrath of the commission after failing to declare their 2017/2019 Income, Assets, and Liabilities by 31 December, 2019...

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