HomeEducation NewsTSC: Over 3,500 teachers and Staff to miss April 2020 Salary

TSC: Over 3,500 teachers and Staff to miss April 2020 Salary

More than 3,500 TSC employees have faced the wrath of the commission after failing to declare their 2017/2019 Income, Assets, and Liabilities by 31 December, 2019 through the TSC Wealth Declaration online portal

This will doubtlessly add salt to already injured teachers bearing in mind that covid-19 pandemic has brought the economy to its knees.

Read Also: TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia reminds teachers to file their tax returns before deadline

In a circular dated April 14, 2020, TSC boss Dr. Nancy Macharia has noted that teachers and secretariat staff who failed to declare wealth will miss April 2020 salary.

“However, over 3,500 employees (secretariat staff and teachers) did not declare their Wealth within the stipulated deadline. Consequently, the Commission has stopped the employeessalaries for NonCompliance from March and April 2020 payrolls.” said TSC CEO Nancy Macharia

Read also: TSC retracts early communication on teachers missing April 2020 Salary

All teachers in employed by TSC are required to declare their Income, Assets and Liabilities. These include teachers on: Any kind of leave, Interdiction, Suspension or Sick leave.

Read also: How to download and print TSC P9 form online via Payslip portal

Last year TSC cautioned that teachers who fail to submit or gives false or misleading information is liable to a fine of Kshs. 1,000,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding (1) one year or both upon conviction.


For the affected employees to be reinstated back on payroll, the commission has indicated that they have to fulfill of the following requirements

  1.  The respective employees (staff and teachers) are required to write letter through their immediate Supervisor/Head teacher/Principal to explain why they did not adhere to the instructions to declare their wealth as stipulated in law.
  2. The Headteacher/Principal/Supervisor to confirm in writing that the employee has been in active service and /or has been teaching all along.  The letter should be validated and forwarded to TSC Headquarters by the TSC County Director/TSC Sub-County.
  3. To fast track reinstatement, the letters be scanned and emailed to TSC  headquarters with a covering letter listing the forwarded cases, by the TSC County Director.
  4. The scanned documents should be submitted to the HRM Digits group  emails:- allhrmdigits@gmail.com and copy to hrmdigits@tsc.go.ke and ddippd@tsc.go.ke
  5. For reconciliation purposes, indicate on the Remarks column of the  Excel list sent to the County, the status of the specific employee such as; – teaching/in service, retired, resigned, interdicted etc. The updated excel sheet to be submitted to the emails in No. 4.


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