Kenya is one of the countries that contribute greatly to the production of sugarcane in the east Africa market. Sugar is produced for the main purpose of exporting to other countries through exports and the remaining can be easily consumed by the local residents.
Companies producing sugar can be classified as either public or private. Public manufactures are those owned by government while private manufactures are owned by individuals.
Recently, few companies and unknown individuals were accused of playing a big role in importation of sugar containing copper and mercury and this has adversely affected the trustworthiness of certain companies producing sugar.
Government owned sugar manufacturers
- Mumias Sugar Company.
- Nzoia Sugar Factory.
- South Nyanza Sugar Company.
- Muhoroni Sugar Company.
- Chemelil Sugar Factory.
Privately owned sugar manufacturers
- West Kenya Sugar Company.
- Sony Sugar Company.
- Kibos Sugar and Allied Industries Limited.
- Butali Sugar Mills.
- Transmara Sugar Company.
- Sukari Industries Limited.
- Kwale International Sugar Company Limited.
- Kisii Sugar Factory.