HomeJambo JobsCorporal Police of Kenya; Duties, Requirements for appointment

Corporal Police of Kenya; Duties, Requirements for appointment

Duties and responsibilities

An officer at this rank may be deployed at the Kenya Police Service (KPS) Headquarters, County or in any of the following formations/unit:- General Service Unit, Kenya Police College, Traffic Department, Anti Stock Theft Unit, Kenya Airport Police Unit, Presidential Escort, Kenya Railway Police, Diplomatic Police Unit, Marine Police Unit, Tourist Police Unit, Police Dog Unit.

Headquarters, Formations and Units

An officer at this rank will be responsible to the Sergeant. Duties and responsibilities of officer at this rank will entail:- supervising Constables in undertaking parade duties; working at the armoury as the duty Non Commissioned Officer (NCO); investigating crimes and prosecuting offenders; compiling case files; recording statements; receiving and transmitting correspondences; maintaining daily signals log books; taking care of police animals such as dogs and horses; driving government vehicles, motorcycles and boats; interrogating suspects and interviewing witnesses and/or victims; responding to distress calls; compiling annual reports and hoisting of the flags; in-charge sentry; preserving exhibits; and keeping safe custody of records; apprehending offenders; undertaking beach and sea patrols; maintaining, repairing and servicing of police equipment such as vehicles, arms boats amongst others; performing escort duties; collecting crime intelligence; carrying out morning call-ups and evening briefs; performing guard duties such as guarding vital installations; performing guard commanders’ duties and section commanders duties; undertaking joint raids and ambushes; screening of persons entering airports and other public places; visiting and preserving scenes of crime; performing night rounds; tracking and recovering stolen motor vehicles; undertaking riot and crowd control and coverage duties; protecting VIPs; and performing band duties.


Duties and responsibilities of an officer at this level when deployed within a county will entail:- collecting intelligence; receiving and reintegrating children in need of care and protection; escorting sexual offences victims to hospital; preserving exhibits; escorting prisoners; visiting and preserving scenes of crimes; compiling case files; updating crime records and returns; being in charge petty crime office; monitoring police communication; performing Court orderly duties; manning gender desk; bonding of witnesses; recording statements and reports; serving summons and executing warrants; conducting parades; in-charge sentries; giving evidence in court; and driving government vehicles, motorcycles and boats.

The officer will also be In-charge of beats and patrols; undertaking escort duties; in-charge 999 mobile patrols; performing traffic duties; tracking and recovering stolen motor vehicles; conducting raids, ambushes and special operations; performing night rounds; performing armoury duties; and responding to distress calls.

Training Institutions

Duties and responsibilities of an officer deployed at the Training Institution will entail: being Recruits’ Squad Administrator/Squad NCO; repairing of firearms; guiding and supervising recruits; performing demonstrations to course participants; counseling trainees; inspecting recruits, barracks and classes; evaluating course participants; preparing students work files; undertaking training and instructional duties; performing band duties; commanding guard; compiling and tabulating data of course participants; setting and marking examinations/assignments; repairing and maintaining equipment; carrying out section commanders duties; assembling parades; and in-charge sentry; and driving government vehicles, motorcycles and boats.

Requirements for Appointment of Corporal Police

For appointment to this rank, an officer must have:-

  • served in the rank of Constable of Kenya Police for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • successfully completed Police Constable to Corporal Course/Section Commanders course lasting not less than three (3) months;
  • no disciplinary conviction or adverse report in the last six (6) months;
  • passed at least three (3) Police Law Examination Papers; and
  • met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 on Leadership and Integrity and Article 232 on Values and Principles of Public Service.

Note: In addition, an officer at this rank will be required to undergo any of the skills upgrading courses stipulated in Clause 10 of these Guidelines.

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