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These are tools used to collect information on competencies (knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) acquired by a learner during or after learning session or...
These are tools used to collect information on competencies (knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) acquired by a learner during or after learning session or...
The examination dates for the December 2021 examinations are as follows: (a)     Wednesday, 15 December 2021 and Thursday, 16 December 2021. Certificate in Accounting and Management...
Six top branch officials of Kuppet have been expunged from the union's payroll holding dissenting views concerning the implementation of Teachers Professional Development (TPD)...
The four-day training will kick off on Tuesday 14th and end on Friday 17th. Here is the programme; Day/Date TIME ACTIVITY FACILITATOR Day 1 TUESDAY 14/12/2021 0800-0830 ·       PRELIMINARIES ·       LEVELLING EXPECTATIONS CSO 0830-0930 COMPETENCY BASED FRAMEWORKS ·       Basic...
Updating of teachers profile exercise will now continue till the end of the year. This now means that teachers have until end of this month...
The Teachers Service Commission has reorganised the reporting structure for teachers in a deliberate move to improve service delivery. In an internal memo, Chief Executive...
This is pension paid to dependants when a teacher is killed while on duty. The benefit is payable to the spouse and/or dependants of a teacher...
The Teachers Service Commission has submitted 4,800 teachers’ pension claim files to the National Treasury for payment. The claims are part of the expected...

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