HomeEducation NewsKNEC PortalKNEC CBA Assessment Tools - Observation Schedules

KNEC CBA Assessment Tools – Observation Schedules

These are tools used to collect information on competencies (knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) acquired by a learner during or after learning session or period.

A variety of tools can be used to assess learners with disabilities undertaking the Stage Based Pathway and whose tasks are performance based. The classroom assessment should be carried out in the learner’s natural environment.

Teachers are encouraged to develop simple classroom assessment tools to assess
their learners after covering a lesson, sub strand(s), strand(s) as may be appropriate. This will enhance the practice of formative assessment.

In this article we shall delve deeply into Observation Schedules as a CBA Assessment tool.

Observation schedules  

This is a schedule outlining characteristics and behaviour that learners show during the  performance of specific tasks individually or as a group. The teacher records observations made  on the behaviour of the learner.  

Development and use of observation schedule  

Components of observation schedule include: 

  1. preliminary information;  
  2. learning activity/task: derived from the  suggested learning experiences;  
  3. competence/skill/characteristic or  behaviour assessed: derived from the  specific learning outcome;  
  4. teachers comments/feedback.  

Example of an Observation Schedule 

a) Preliminary information
1. School  Mayoni Township Primary 
2. Learner’s name  Veronica 
3. Teacher’s name  Omar 
4. Grade  Two 
5. Learning Area  Mathematics Activities 
6. Strand  2.0 Measurement (page 35) 
7. Sub-strand  2.4 Time (page 35) 
8. Date or period of assessment  3rd March 2020 
b) Learning Activity/Task  In groups, learners discuss activities that take place in  the months of the year. 
c) Competence (Knowledge, skills, attitude, values) assessed (tick  appropriately) Yes  No  Comment
1. Completes the assigned work within the specified time 
2. Leads/assists others to ensure the group target is realized 
3. Listens and allows contributions from others 
4. Evaluates the contribution of others for the group to take a decision. 
5. Interested, pays attention and always ready for the task 
6. Listens, helpful, affirms, flexible, kind, polite, thankful, lets go of  anger.   
d) Feedback to the learner
Learner’s signature Date 
Teacher’s signature Date 


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