HomeJambo InfoTeachers' Job groups in Kenya, Their Salaries, House and Comuter Allowances

Teachers’ Job groups in Kenya, Their Salaries, House and Comuter Allowances

Teaching is a work force that falls under civil service. In Kenya, teachers are graded from job group “G” to job group in civil service. As a P1 teacher in job group G, the minimum earning is Ksh25,692 and the maximum is Ksh30,304. For chief principal which is the highest rank, he or she can earns a minimum of Kshs165,089 and a maximum of Kshs200,928.

Teacher service Commission of Kenya(TSC), provides opportunities for teachers to be promoted from one job group to another. For one to move from one job group to another, he or she is subjected to interview. The table below shows salary scale for teachers according to Salaries and Remuneration commission

Job Group Teachers Designation Basic salary Common Allowances Gross Salary
Min. Max. House Commuter Min. Max.
G P1 16,692 21,304 5,000 4,000 25,692 30,304
H ATS IV 19,323 24,662 5,000 4,000 28,323 33,662
J GAT III 24,662 29,918 6,000 4,000 34,662 39,918
K GAT II 31,020 41, 590 10,000 5,000 46,020 56,590
L  GAT I 35,910 45,880 20,000 6,000 61,910 71,880
M Senior GAT 41,590 55,840 20,000 8,000 69,950 83,840
N Principal GAT II 48,190 65,290 24,000 8,000 80,190 97,290
P Principal GAT I 77,527 103,894 40,000 12,000 129,527 155,894
Q Senior principal 89,748 120,270 40,000 14,000 143,748 174,270
R Chief Principal 109,089 109,089 40,000 16,000 165,089 200,928

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