More than 200 heads of schools who were delocalised last year on December have written to KNUT, seeking the union to intervene on the revocation of their transfers.
Its has emerged that most heads who want their transfers reversed are union officials at the branches levels and risk losing the posts as they have been transferred outside their areas.
According to KNUT Secretary General, Hon Wilson Sossion, the union has received letters from the teachers and is compiling a report to be presented to the Conciliator soon.
While issuing his judgement early this month, Judge Byram Ongaya requested the commission to reconsider its decision to transfer any union officials affected by the mass transfer of more than 3,000 headteachers.
“Pending an agreement on the transfer of union officials beyond the geographical limits of the branch they are elected to serve, the decision to transfer is, hereby, stayed,” he said.
The Labour and Relations Court, last week, ordered KNUT and TSC to continue holding conciliation talks and file a report on the progress made by 30th January, 2019.
Here is a list of delocalised KNUT officials and the positions they hold at the branches
- Joseph K- From Nakuru to Nandi (Chairman).
- Kuria Kaburi- From Nakuru to Bomet (Vice Chairman).
- Mwangi Gioche – From Nakuru to Nyandarua (BEC Naivasha)
- Omondi O. – From Siaya to Kisumu (Chairman).
- Amien O. – From Siaya to Busia (BEC)
- Mantira David – From Narok to Kisii (BEC)
- Kilee Lemayian- From Narok to Kisii (BEC)
- Nampaso James- From Narok to Kisii (BEC)
- Kimani Geroge – From Murang’a to Kiambu (Chairman).
- Kiburi Zablon – From Murang’a to Kitui (Treasurer)
- Mwangangi Joseph – From Makueni to Kitui (Vice Chairman)
- Githaiga K- From Murang’a to Kiambu (Vice Chairman)
- Muema David- From Makueni to Machakos (BEC)
- Mwasaru Samuel- From Taita Taveta to Kwale (BEC)
- John Mwinja- From Tharaka Nithi to Embu (Vice Chairman)
- David K – From Tharaka Nithi to Kitui (Treasurer)
- Kuria Karanja – From Kiambu to Kiambu (Chairman)
- Mwangi Robert- From Nakuru to Nandi (BBF)
- Karinga Patrick – From Nyeri to Meru (Chairman)
- Nyamwanda K. – From Nyamira to Kericho (Chairman)
- Joseph Maina Karumi- Nakuru to Kericho (Treasurer)
- Peter T. Imunya- From Meru to Tharaka Nithi (BEC)
- Richard Cheruiyot – From Bomet to Kericho (Assistant Treasurer)
- Loise Njeri Kihungi – From Kirinyaga to Nyeri (Woman Representative)
- Robert Mutunga- From Embu to Meru (BEC)
- Justus Maore Kabuchia- From Meru to Tharaka Nithi (BEC)
- William Chepkuch K. – From Bungoma to Vihiga (Chairman)
- Philip Boswony- From Baringo to Uasin Gishu (BEC)
- Irine Gatavi Njagi – From Embu to Meru (Woman Representative).
- Adede O. Haji – From Kakamega to Busia (BEC)
- Wesa P. M. Melack- From Kakamega to Bungoma (Assistant Executive Secretary)
- Fred Peter Akhonya- From Kakamega to Siaya (BEC)
- Moses L. Kamakei- From Narok to Kisii (Assistant Executive Secretary)
- Henry M. Ringera- From Meru to Tharaka Nithi (BEC)
- Aggrey M. Imbwaga – From Bungoma to Kakamega (BBF)
- James Barsagau- From Baringo to Uasin Gishu (BEC)
- John Parsamei – From Kajiado to Narok (Treasurer)
- Lameck P. Muriuki- From Embu to Kitui (Assistant Executive Secretary)
- Naftali K. Mibei – From Uasin Gishu to Baringo (Chairman)
- Siala Moses- Uasin Gishu to Nandi (BEC)
- Wangila Jane- Trans Nzoia to West Pokot (Woman Representative)
- Marigi Lucy – Trans Nzoia to Nandi (BEC)
- Mutangili Silvester- Machakos to Kitui (BEC)
- Ndoti Joy- Kakamega to Vihiga (Assistant Treasurer)
- Waswa Elvis – Bungoma to Busia (Assistant Executive Secretary)
- Mwanzia Daniel- Machakos to Murang’a (Treasurer)
- Kiilu Joseph- Machakos to Kitui (BBS)
- Kitisya Michael- Machakos to Makueni (Chairman)
- Mutangili Sylivester- Machakos to Kitui (Vice Tresurer)
- Musyoka Johnstone- Machakos to Kitui (BBS)
- Ntheka Gladys- Machakos to Kitui (Vice Secretary)
- Philip Daniel- Machakos to Kitui (BEC)
- Mureithi George – Nyeri to Nyandarua North (BEC)
- Ndururi Charles- Nyeri to Murang’a (BEC)
- Gikuri Morrison- Nyeri to Nyandarua (BEC)
- Ikinyira Nathan- Meru to Tharaka Nithi (BEC)
- Gichuru Evangeline- Meru to Kitui (Woman Representative)
- Muriithi Charles – Meru to Embu (BEC)
- Muriithi Frankline- Meru to Nyeri (BEC)
- Dzilambe to Mwingo- Kwale to Kilifi (Chairman)
- Victor Nabuya – Baringo to Kisii (BEC- P.P)
- Peter Sanduku- Baringo to Laikipia (BEC Tiaty)
- Otemo Kennedy- Vihiga to Kakamega (Vice Treasurer)
- Chelal Kipng’eno- Kericho to Trans Nzoia (BEC)
- Kogo Julius- Kericho to Nandi (BEC)
- Mwamtenda Bakari- Kwale to Kilifi (Treasurer)
- Musyoka Jackson- Makueni to Taita Taveta (BEC)
- Mwambia James- Murang’a to Meru (Vice Chairman)
- Muigai David – Kiambu to Kirinyaga (BEC)
- Nhtenge Daniel- Murang’a to Machakos (BEC)
- Musundi Nyumba- Busia to Bungoma (Chairman)
- Mutiga David – Tharaka Nithi to Isiolo (Assistant Executive Secretary)
- Mwithi Peter- Tharaka Nithi to Kitui (Chairman)
- Mwangi Charles- Nyeri to Murang’a (BEC)
- Gikuri Morrison- Nyeri to Nyandarua (BEC)
- Muriithi George- Nyeri to Nyandarua (BEC)
- Koskei Joseph – Kericho to Nakuru (BEC)
- Ruto David- Bomet to Nakuru (Chairman)
- Kitur Rose- Bomet to Kisii (BEC)
- Mbogo Eustace- Embu to Tharaka Nithi (Treasurer)
- Cheruiyot Simon- Narok to Bomet (BEC)
- Benecha Francis – Nyamira to Homabay (BEC)
- Rotich Joshua- Nandi to Vihiga (BEC)
- Siketi Patrick- Bungoma to Busia (Chairman)
- Ochoki Job- Kisii to Kisumu (BEC)
- Mutwiwa Abel – Makueni to Taita Taveta (Assistant Treasurer)
- Emojong Cain- Kakamega to Busia (BEC)
- Opasamong Peter- Busia to Siaya (BBF)
- Emmanuel Oligo – Busia to Siaya (BBF)
- Ogolla Richard- Busia to Siaya (BEC)
- Oriede to Opalakadi- Busia to Siaya (BBF)
- Ejakait Rasmus- Busia to Siaya (BEC)
- Egwadi Chrispinus- Busia to Bungoma (BBF)
- Katambo Jacob- Makueni to Kitui (BEC)
- Odhiambo Benard – Homabay to Migori (BEC)
- Wambua James- Kitui to Murang’a (Treasurer)
- Wambua Benard- Kitui to Nyeri (BEC)
- Muriithi Charles- Meru to Embu (BEC)
- Muguna Franckline- Meru to Nyeri (BEC)
- Ikinyira Nathan- Meru to Tharaka Nithi (Vice Chairman)
- Otieno George- Kisumu to Siaya (BEC)
- Mundui Silas- Baringo to Kericho (Chairman)
- David Saenyi- Bungoma to Kakamega (Treasurer)
- Omwela David- Vihiga to Siaya (BBF)
- David Yegon- Bomet to Nakuru (BEC)
- Korir Nehemiah- Elgeyo Marakwet to Uasin Gishu (BEC)
- Nyamu Hesbon- Kilifi to Kwale (Vice Chairman)
- Mainga Onesmus- Makueni to Kajiado (Chairman)
- Matula Julius- Makueni to Kajiado (BEC)
- Otollo Boaz- Migori to Homabay (BBF)
- Bakari Mohammed- Lamu to Tana River (BEC)
- Faustin Kamwara- Tharaka Nithi to Meru- BBF
- Omwanga Gilbert- Migori to Kisii (BEC)
- Alex Nyongesa- Bungoma to Kakamega (BEC).