List of constituencies in Kwale County, Registered Voters, Current MPs and Ward
Kwale is a County that is situated in the Coastal region of the Kenya. The county borders the Indian Ocean and is known for its tourist attraction sites. Kwale County covers an area of 8,270 Km².
As per the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census, Kwale County has a total population of six hundred and forty nine thousand nine hundred and thirty one (649,931). In the 2017 General Elections, Kwale County had a total of two hundred and eighty one thousand one hundred and two (281,102) registered voters.
The County Governor of Kwale is H.E Mgala Salim Mvurya. Hon. Boy Issa Juma is the Senator of Kwale County and the County’s Women Representative is Hon Hassan Zuleikha Juma.
Kwale County has four (4) constituencies and they include Msambweni, Lungalunga, Kinango and Matunga. Kwale County has twenty (20) electoral wards.
Below is a list of all the consituencies in Kwale County, Wards in each ward and the current Member of Parliament;
Msambweni Constituency
The current Member of Parliament of Msambweni Constituency is Hon Suleiman Dori Ramadhani. The Constituency has four wards. They include Gombato Bongwe, Ukunda, Kinondo and Ramisi. In the 2017 General Elections, the Constituency had a total of 68,621 Voters.
Lunga Lunga Constituency
The current Member of Parliament of Lunga Lunga Constituency is Hon Khatib Abdallah Mwashetani. The Constituency has four wards. They include Pongwe.Kikoneni, Dzombo, Vanga and Mwereni. In the 2017 General Elections, the Constituency had a total of 56,948 Voters.
Matunga Constituency
The current Member of Parliament of Matunga Constituency is Hon Kassim Sawa Tandaza. The Constituency has five wards. They include Tsimba Golini, Waa, Tiwi, Kubo South and Mkongani. In the 2017 General Elections, the Constituency had a total of 70,427 Voters.
Kinango Constituency
The current Member of Parliament of Kinango Constituency is Hon Benjamin Dalu Stephen Tayari. The Constituency has five wards. They include Ndavaya, Puma, Kinango, Chengoni/Samburu, Mackinon Road, Mwavumbo and Kasemeni . In the 2017 General Elections, the Constituency had a total of 85,106 Voters.