Busia County is among the counties that are located in the Western Region of Kenya. Busia County has an area of 1,695Km² and as per the 2019 Census, the population of Busia County was eight hundred and ninety three thousand, six hundred and eighty one (893,681). In the 2017 General Elections, Busia County had a total number of three hundred and fifty one thousand and eighty seven (351,087) registered voters.
The Governor of Busia County is H.E Sospeter Ojaamong. The Senator of Busia County is Hon. Wako Sitswila Amos and Hon Florence Mwikali Mutua is the Women Representative.
Busia County is divided into seven constituencies and forty five electoral wards. Below is a list of all the consituencies in Busia County, Wards in each ward and the current Member of Parliament;
Teso North Constituency
Hon. Edward Oku Kaunya is the current Teso North Constituency Member of Parliament. Teso North Constituency has six wards which include; Malaba Central, Malaba North, Ang’urai South, Malaba South, Ang’urai North and Ang’urai East. It had 49,833 registered voters in the 2017 General Elections.
Teso South Constituency
Teso South Constituency is represented Hon. John Waluke Koyi. It has six wards which include; Ang’orom, Chakoi South, Mukura Central, Chakoi North, Amukura East and Amukura West. The Constituency had 61,342 registered voters in the 2017 elections.
Nambale Constituency
The Member of Parliament of Nambale Constituency is Hon. Sakwa John Bunyasi. The Constituency has four wards which include; Nambale Township, Bukhayo North/Waltsi, Bukhayo East and Bukhayo Central. It had 42,259 voters in the 2017 General Elections.
Matayos Constituency
Hon. Geoffrey Makokha Odanga is the Matayos parliamentary representative. Its wards are five and they include; Mayenje, Bukhayo West, Matayos, South Busibwabo and Burumba. It had 56,880 registered voters in the 2017 General Elections.
Butula Constituency
Hon. Joseph H Maero Oyula is the current Butula Constituency Member of Parliament. Butula Constituency has six wards which include; Marachi West, Kingandole, Marachi Central, Marachi East, Marachi North and Elugulu. It had 57,685 registered voters in the 2017 General Elections.
Funyula Constituency
Hon. Wilberforce Ojiambo Oundo is the current Funyula Member of Parliament. Funyula Constituency has four wards which include; Namboboto Nambuku, Nangina, Ageng’a Nanguba and Bwiri. It had 44,671 registered voters in the 2017 General Elections.