The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is a State Corporation established under Section 55 of the Universities Act No. 42 of 2012, to co-ordinate placement of Government Sponsored Students to Universities and Colleges; develop career guidance programmes for the benefit of students, among other functions.
In furtherance of its mandate, the Placement Service, in consultation with the stakeholders developed the placement policy, procedures and the criteria to ensure equity and access to tertiary education and training. The following are some important highlights from the Policy and Procedures
- That ALL secondary schools are expected to give the necessary career guidance and assist the K.C.S.E. candidates undertake the online application for placement to Universities, Colleges and other tertiary training institutions in order to benefit from Government Sponsorship.
- That ALL secondary schools shall, on behalf of their candidates collect, collate and submit through the School Portal, the applications for placement to Universities and Colleges following the procedure given in the website. The Principal’s manual to guide the application process is available on the school portal.
- That the placement of Government sponsored students applies only to Kenyan citizens.
- That placement is based on merit and affirmative action criteria
- That at school application stage, each candidate is required to pay an application fee of Ksh500 (five hundred) only.
- That as at today, the Minimum Requirements for placement to Degree programmes is C+, Diploma C-, Craft Certificate D and Artisan Certificate D- (minus) and below.
- That all eligible K.C.S.E. candidates are therefore, encouraged to apply for placement to Universities and Colleges under Government sponsorship, their KCSE results notwithstanding.
The Centre/School Application, Revisions and Processing Stages are as Summarized below:
STAGE I:Â School/Centre Application
The School/Centre application will commence on a date to be announced by KUCCPS.
Application Process
Each KCSE candidate shall be given an opportunity to choose his or her preferred courses as shown below:
- Degree Course: 1(a), 1(b), 1(c), 2, 3, 4.
- Diploma Course: 1,2,3,4
- Craft Course: 1,2,3,4
- Artisan Course: 1,2,3,4
ALL candidates should be encouraged to apply, and can give choices from ALL the four levels. However, they should make choices only for programmes they are interested in pursuing. No field is mandatory.
STAGE II:Â First Revision
First revision of choices will be held on dates to be announced  by  the  Placement  Service  after  the  release by KNEC of  the  K.C.S.E. Results.
STAGE III: Second and Subsequent Revisions
Candidates who will not merit any of their preferred choices on processing of their preceding placement applications will be given a chance to revise in the Subsequent Revisions by selecting from courses with unfilled capacities.
Affirmative Action Criteria
In conformity with the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2012, the Placement Service applies affirmative action criteria based on gender, marginalized and disability criteria.
To facilitate this process for the benefit of the students, Principals are reminded to indicate clearly the following information for every candidate accordingly:
- Citizenship
- Gender
- Nature of disability (where applicable)
- The geographical location of the School/Examination Centre
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service therefore, requests all the secondary school Principals to submit Centre/School application choices from their KCSE candidates. We also take this opportunity to wish all Examination Candidates success in the forthcoming examinations and further urge all schools and candidates to continuously visit the Placement Service website for career guidance and other important placement information.