Covid-19 has become a serious cause of global concern. Most governments took a step in country wide lockdown to curb the spread of the virus. This move was to help to avoid large gatherings that could worsen the situation. Since prevention is better than cure, most people take precautions and stay at home.
To some people it is a fruitful time while to others it isn’t. It just depends on your perception on how you take up things. So here are some of the things that can make your lockdown productive:
Taking an online course
Online courses enable people to learn new things even though they are confined in their homes. Online learning is one of the best tools to keep ones’ mental health healthy as it takes your mind off any anxious thoughts. Online learning is also becoming popular for its affordability and flexibility. You can learn at the comfort of your home anytime and at your own pace. In addition to that, it is affordable and there are many online platforms such as skillshare, udemy and coursera that offer thousands of classes at no cost.
Online Gambling
Gambling is one of the most convenient ways to make good cash effortlessly. All you need is good grasp of how to go about gambling and make wise decisions. With covid-19 lockdown, online gambling provided conducive environment for panthers to make some cash. shared some insights with us after we’ve contacted them with a few questions about the Kenyan online gambling market. They shared with us that the market has actually experienced a growth in new players and even returning players who have “abandoned” their account a long time ago. They of course mention that gamers should take into consideration the fact that real money gaming is very different from regular and gaming and everyone should be aware that the same way as you can gain a lot of cash, you can lose it too. They also shared with us that there are some free casinos available in Kenya for the individuals that don’t want to risk their money during those hard times.
Learning a new language
Lockdown can give you a good opportunity to study a new language. You can find yourself a tutor as research shows that finding yourself a native speaker is an excellent way to improve your speaking ability. This is undoubtedly the best way to start learning during lockdown. There are also some apps that can help you learn different languages such as babble, memrise and duolingo among others.
To all the book lovers’ lockdown is here to make you get back to your books. Reading is highly recommended during lockdown as it keeps our minds healthy. It enables us to free our minds. You can read genres that you are interested in. you can find books online through apps such as wattpad and eBooks.
Forex has helped most people to stay financially afloat during this pandemic. Traders who are equipped with good internet connection can continue making money while playing their role in preventing the spread of the disease by staying at home.
Gardening is important during lockdown as it improves not only your physical health but also your mental health. If you have a garden or an outdoor space, you can use it to improve both your health and well-being. Gardening can also be a way of reducing stress, getting fit as there are many activities that can be a form of working out. Gardening also gives us a sense of relief especially during the pandemic and keeps us busy. It is also a way of contributing positively to the environment. We went further and contacted to get some insights on why exactly is gardening so good for us. They have shared their exact insights in this article.
Learning how to cook
If you are wondering what to do during lockdown learning some new recipes might be a good idea instead of being idle at home. You can use this time to educate yourself and update your recipe book with something new. You can also try baking some cookies or pastries if you got a sweet tooth.
Playing games
Video games is a way of keeping our minds active and keeping in touch with those close to us while at home as it offers a quick and convenient way of connecting with friends and family.
Organising your wardrobe
This period has given us time to do things that we have been postponing for a while since we are always busy. Cleaning and organising our wardrobes is always the last thing we want to do but we must face it. As a result, we always tend to repeat the same clothes more often and forget about those stuck at the bottom. You now have time to declutter your closet by emptying the entire closet, setting the closet and tidying up the drawers.
Watching movies
Watching movies encourages emotional release especially during this pandemic. It also brings us to a sense of relief even if they stress us out first. Netflix and chill at the comfort of our homes makes our minds to relax and relieve us from stress. We can also educate ourselves through watching.
There are also other activities that you can do during lock down such starting a blog, selling goods online, learning sign language, learning how to play musical instruments, painting and taking yoga among others. So if you are looking for ways to cope up with boredom and avoid going crazy while staying at home these ideas might help you.