HomeEducation NewsTSC PortalTSC Titles For Teachers in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Institutions

TSC Titles For Teachers in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Institutions

Tutors employed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) are categorised into two major groups, administrators and non-administrators, in thirty six (36) job titles.

The administrator group constitute Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers and Senior Teachers in primary institutions as well as Principals, Deputy Principals, Senior Masters and Senior Lecturers in post primary institutions (Secondary and Tertiary).

The remaining job titles comprise of teachers who are non-administrators.

It is worth noting that promotion from one TSC title (Job Evaluation Grade) to the other requires a minimum of three years for non-administrators while for administrative posts, teachers are subjected to intensive interviews.

Teachers salaries are pegged on these designated titles. Of importance to note also is that, a teacher can only be appointed to headship position if his or her title falls under the administrators group.

PRIMARY Primary Teacher Primary Teacher II B5 5
Primary Teacher I C1 6
Senior Teacher Senior Teacher II C2 7
Senior Teacher I C3 8
Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher II C4 9
Deputy Headteacher I C5 10
Headteacher Headteacher C5 10
Senior Headteacher D1 11
SECONDARY Secondary Teacher Secondary Teacher III C1 6
Secondary Teacher II C2 7
Secondary Teacher I C3 8
Senior Master Senior Master IV C4 9
Senior Master III C5 10
Senior Master II D1 11
Senior Master I D2 12
Deputy Principal


Deputy Principal IV C5 10
Deputy Principal III D1 11
Deputy Principal II D2 12
DeputyPrincipal I D3 13
Principal Principal D3 13
Senior Principal D4 14
Chief Principal D5 15
TERTIARY Lecturer Lecturer III C1 6
Lecturer II C2 7
Lecturer I C3 8
Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer IV C4 9
Senior Lecturer III C5 10
Senior Lecturer II D1 11
Senior Lecturer I D2 12
Deputy Principal Deputy Principal IV C5 10
Deputy Principal III D1 11
Deputy Principal II D2 12
Deputy Principal I D3 13
Principal Principal D3 13
Senior Principal D4 14
Chief Principal D5 15

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