HomeEducation NewsTSC NEWSTSC Postpones Interviews And County Selection Exercise For October 2020 Recruitment ;...

TSC Postpones Interviews And County Selection Exercise For October 2020 Recruitment ; Here Are New Dates

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has postponed county selection exercise and interviews for September/October 2020 recruitment exercise.

The just released schedule, will see interviews and county selection exercise take place between Thursday October 8th to Wednesday October 14th 2020.

Initially, the commission had slated these activities to take place between Monday 28th September and Friday 2nd October 2020.

The announcement comes against the backdrop of rumors that the teachers’ employer had cancelled September/October 2020 recruitment.

These new dates means that teachers have close to a fortnight for the interviews to be concluded. TSC however did not give any reasons behind this postponement.

In a statement, Beatrice Wababu, who is TSC head of corporate affairs stated that shortlisted applicants will be informed about the venues of interviews by county officers.

She said: “Our county officers will contact successful applicants and inform them about the venues of the interviews.”

Wababu further cautioned general public and teachers not to fall prey to unscrupulous fraudsters, purporting to influence employment outcomes of applicants.

“Once again we wish to caution applicants and the general public about fraudsters who may purport to influence the outcome of this process. Please report such people to any TSC office or the nearest police station,” said Beatrice Wababu.

Once the recruitment exercise has been concluded, applicants will between Thursday October 15th and Thursday October 22nd 2020 to raise complaints.

County bosses will have two days (Friday 23rd October to Monday 26th October 2020) to send documents to Teacher’s Service Commission headquarters.

Teachers who will have secured employment with the commission, will report to schools starting Monday 4th January, 2021.


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