HomeEducation NewsTSC NEWSTSC Online T-Pay ; Obligation Of TSC, Employee, Third Part Firm

TSC Online T-Pay ; Obligation Of TSC, Employee, Third Part Firm

The Commission developed the online T-Pay application platform for employees  and Third-party firms to transact check-off deductions. The application has  enhanced efficiency in management of Third Party check of facility. 

The System further seeks to:- 

  • Enforce the one third rule as per the provisions of Employment Act (2007). 
  • Minimize fraudulent transactions through inbuilt controls;
  •  Empower employees to have control over Third Party deductions against  their salary;
  • Enable Third Party firms manage their data, minimize data entry errors and  enhance accountability on deductions against an employee’s salary;
  • Have Real time data capture hence a reduction on transaction turnaround time;
  • Reduce operational costs.

The users of online T-Pay application are the employees, the employer and the  Third-Party firms.

The obligation of the Employee shall include:-

  • To initiate all transactions with the preferred Third Party firm, by sending  his/her pay slip online.
  •  To complete the process by approving the captured transactions to be  deducted against his/her salary before they are loaded on payroll.
  • To take responsibility and safeguard their online T-Pay system password.  9.4.4 To provide authentic documents when seeking check-off services.
  • To read and understand the contract terms and conditions before signing  the legally binding contract/agreement with the Third-Party firm.
  • To notify the Commission in writing when joining or withdrawing from a  third party.

The obligation of the Third-Party firm shall include to:- 

  •  Obtain legitimate authority from employees before transacting any facility  in the T-Pay system;
  •  Capture, adjust and stop all deductions online for the respective employee  as per the signed legally bidding agreement/contract between the employee  and the firm.
  • To upload a soft copy of the contractual agreement at the point of uploading  the loan at the T-PAY system
  • Safeguard employee’s data and confidential information that it has been  entrusted with and use it for only the intended purpose as per the Data  Protection Act, 2019.
  • Be held accountable for integrity of data captured on the T-pay system. 9.5.6 Submit accurate data to the Commission to facilitate 3rd party deductions;
  • Reconcile its deduction requests against the by-products to avoid  duplication or double deduction of the same transaction;
  • Undertake due diligence to ensure that the documents and data submitted  are valid and accurate to facilitate the deductions;
  • Return/refund the erroneous or irregular remittances to the Commission  upon demand or upon detection of the irregularity;
  • Stop deductions for a discharged liability not later than three (3) days from  the date of such clearance by the employee;
  • Adhere to the Provisions of the Third-party Guidelines.

The obligation of the Commission shall be to:- 

  • Extract all approved data on T-Pay application, verify the same and upload on the payroll;
  • Receive complaints from employees and forward them to human resource  management and development directorate for action.
  • Stop any unauthorized deduction and inform the relevant third party of the  complaint and stoppage of deductions.
  • Blacklist and deregister any third party firm and/or entity who has been  established to be involved in fraudulent deductions in the T-pay system in  accordance with the provisions of the agreement.
  • Reduce from the 3rd party’s subsequent monthly remittances any fictitious,  inaccurate or irregular deduction erroneously effected on an employee’s  salary whether caused by the 3rd party’s negligence or otherwise and  refunded to the affected employee;
  •  The Commission reserves the right to verify and confirm the authenticity and  accuracy of any data submitted by 3rd parties before the same is affected on  payroll.


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