HomeEducation NewsTSC NEWSTSC Issues a Directive To Teachers Who Failed To Complete Online TPAD...

TSC Issues a Directive To Teachers Who Failed To Complete Online TPAD Appraisal

The Teachers Service Commission is conducting a questionnaire for teachers teachers who did not complete the Term 2, 2021 TPAD appraisal. The targeted teachers should complete this e- Questionnaire.

Here is the Revised Link for Teachers’ Questionnaire: https://tinyurl.com/Teachers-TPAD-2022Revised

According to the statement seen by this author, the link provided by the commission will be active now and will close tomorrow, Thursday 17th March 2022 at 6 p.m.

It is the sole responsibility of the head of institution to ensure that all teachers in the institution are appraised. Unfortunately data from TSC show that 12.89% of teachers were not able to complete the appraisal process fully and had the appraisal pending at different stages in the system.

The teachers’ survey seeks to determine reasons/causes of  incomplete TPAD appraisal and possible solutions.

Upon clicking on the link above, one is required to complete the form by filling personal information on the first page.

Every term Commission requires that all teachers in service (BOM, Intern, TSC Employed) to create and complete the Online TPAD Appraisal Process.  The teachers’ employer, TSC, usually gives timeline of activities to be done.

TPAD Calendar of Activities at the Institutional Level
TPAD Activity  Action By  Time frame
1. Planning meetings before  school opening involving all  staff to set school TPAD  Activity calendar Heads of Institutions , Senior  Management Team, Teachers, By the last week  of the school holiday.
2. Submission of professional  documents Heads of institution All Teachers By the end of the  first week of the  term
3. Undertaking Lesson observations and identifying  and documenting teacher’s  professional gaps Appraisees and appraisers. Between 2ndweek and 10th

week of the term

4. Undertaking teacher professional development to  address professional gaps. Appraisees, appraisers, institutional  administrators. Throughout the  term; from 1st week to the last  week of the term
5. Internal Monitoring & Evaluation of the  implementation of TPAD  process. Heads of institution, Deputy Head  of Institution, Heads of Department Continuous  throughout the term
6. Monitoring the implementation  of TPAD process at county  level; zonal, sub county &  county Curriculum Support Officers, Sub  County Directors and County  Directors Throughout the  term; from 1st week to the last  week of the term
7. TPAD rating meetings Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser  (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of  Institution, CSOs, SCD) By the closing  date of the term
8. Uploading of TPAD data and  evidence. Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser  (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of  Institution, CSOs, SCD) Throughout the  term

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