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TSC instructs regional directors to submit data of heads of institutions working in ASAL

The Teachers Service Commission has requested regional directors to submit data for list of principals, deputy principals, headteachers and deputy headteachers performing respective administrative duties in arid and semi arid lands (ASAL).

In a circular dated 13th September, 2019, the commission has instructed regional directors Rift Valley (BaringoBaringo North, Marigat, East Pokot & Tiaty, Samburu, Kajiado Mashuru, Loitokitok, Kajiado West & Kajiado Central, Narok– South, East, West and North, and West Pokot) NORTH EASTERN -(Garissa, Mandera, Marsabit, Turkana, Wajir) EASTERN  (Isiolo, Kitui, Machakos) COASTKilifi, Kwale, Lamu, Tana River) NYANZA (Homabay – Suba & Mbita) to submit data of adminstators who fall in the above named adminstrators.

The Commission requires data for the following;

  1. All Principals serving in Grade ‘D1’ (Job groups “M) and Grade ‘C3‘ (job group ‘L) deployed to perform the duties of Principals in ASAL areas after the implementation of the Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators;
  2. Deputy Principals, Grade ‘C3‘ (Job group ‘L) assigned to perform the duties of Deputy Principals on affirmative action before the Policy came into effect and after;
  3. Head teachers in Grade ‘C3′ (Job group ‘L) deployed to perform duties of Head-teachers after the policy came into effect;
  4.  Deputy Head teachers serving in Grade ‘C3& C2(Job group ‘L’ & ‘K’ respectively) deployed to perform duties of deputy head teachers after the policy came into effect.

NOTE: The above are administrators who were not converted as administrators after the CBA.

Regional directors will submit the data through the email; tmpcolleges@tsc.go.ke in the following format by 17th September, 2019.


Name of the teacher


Job group



















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