Teacher service commission TSC has received a major boost after the Global Partnership for Education injected Ksh 5.6 million to aid implementation of TPAD under PRIEDE program.
TPAD is a tool that captures all records of teachers termly. Due to its paper work activities and lengthy online process, the tool has not been accepted among teachers. Its increasingly clear that despite unwavering resistance from teachers and unions, the TPAD tool is unstoppable. Its here to stay.
Read also: Here is the TPAD user manual step by step
The latest grant from GPE, will take its implementation to the next level. TSC has already disbursed Ksh. 5,677,000 to all TSC county PRIEDE project bank accounts to facilitate fiduciary training for field officers.
Lamu county received largest portion of the grant ksh 214, 800 followed by Mandera Ksh 206,000.
Get full details here:
PDF DOWNLOAD: TSCDisbursementSchedule