Its now more clear that teachers on internship are legible to apply for recently advertised TSC replacement posts.
Initially a cloud of uncertainty had surrounded the whole internship exercise, with most teachers feeling internship term would bar them from recruitment on permanent basis until their year-long term is over.
Through the official twitter of TSC_KE, the commission has confirmed that teachers on interns can apply for advertised replacement posts.
Are teachers on internship allowed to apply for these replacement posts??
— Tony Kauma (@KaumaTony) January 26, 2020
In any event that the Internship may be discontinued by the Intern, he/she will;
- Submit a written letter of resignation/ termination of the contract to the Commission through the Supervisor by giving thirty (30) days Written Notice.
- Giving a two (2) weeks’ Written Notice before taking up employment offered to him/her before the expiry of the agreed internship period.
Last week the Teachers Service Commission advertised a total of 2,120 posts to replace teachers who have exited service through Natural Attrition (1591 posts for Primary Schools and 529 posts for Secondary Schools).
All interested candidates should submit their applications to the respective County
Directors and Boards of Management as above not later than Wednesday 5th February, 2020.