Mr. Wilson Sossion has sent a message to all KNUT executive secretaries. In statement dated 30th December, the SG has requested all branch Executive Secretaries to stand up in solidarity to defend the interest of teaching service in Kenya.
His message is coming amid conciliation process that was instigated by labour CS Ukur Yatani.
Teachers’ strike
He has instructed all the executive secretaries to bring to the attention of every member in their branches that the strike action commences exactly on the opening date of new term.
In addition Mr. Sossion who is also nominated member of Parliament, has said that no teacher will report to work until the the strike is called off.
“No teacher should report for the new school term until the strike is called off formally by the secretary general through a vote of the NEC as provided for in our constitution, ” said Mr. Sossion in a statement sent to branch Executive Secretaries.
According to teachers union, teachers promotion, delocalisation/transfer, performance contracting system and teacher development modules are issues that needs to addressed satisfactorily by Teachers Service Commission.
Conciliation committee
This message comes a day after a conciliation committee formed by labour CS Yatani met with top officials of KNUT to find out how to avert the strike that will bring education sector to a deadlock.
The conciliation meeting will meet TSC officials on 31st and chant the way forward. If the the conciliation committee will not settle issues raised by teachers then the opening of the new term will be affected.
The official opening date for new term is 3rd January 2019.