HomeGeneralMOE Guidelines On Classroom Management, Psychological and Professional Support for Teachers

MOE Guidelines On Classroom Management, Psychological and Professional Support for Teachers

In the light of Covid-19 pandemic, teachers and learners/trainees will use face masks while in classrooms or in other learning facilities. Here are other guidelines in classroom management;

  1. Teachers shall ensure that ALL learners/trainees observe hygiene through hand washing using soap and water before entering classrooms and other tuition facilities
  2. Teachers and other staff members shall regularly wash their hands using soap and water or use hand-sanitizers before entering classrooms/lecture hall or tuition areas.
  3. Learners/trainees shall use the available learning materials such as text books individually. Sharing shall be avoided at all times
  4. Spacing between learners/trainees while in the classrooms/ shall not be less than one meter in all directions.
  5. Teachers shall avoid individual physical contact with learners/trainees and they shall ensure the one meter rule is observed at all times.
  6. During Games and Physical Health Education, individualized activities shall be implemented to ensure physical distancing is observed.
  7. Teachers shall demarcate by marking positions for the learners’ desks’ positions to ensure one meter distance is observed in the classrooms.

Psychological and Professional Support for Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff

The MoE in collaboration with Ministry of Health, TSC, BOM and county governments will support teachers and other education personnel in own health, well-being and stress management. They will:

  1. Strengthen teacher’s peer-to-peer support groups and provide online professional development and coaching sessions to support teachers’ wellbeing.
  2. Build the capacity of teachers in life skills, guidance and counselling to effectively respond to changes in social behaviour and in turn support distressed children,
  3. Provide appropriate psycho-social support to teachers and education officials including care givers to manage the impact of COVID -19 and deal with future crisis,
  4. Develop programs for professional development of teachers and institution personnel on issues that include: post COVID 19 instructional strategies, General and mental health, safety and communication, tracing and mapping of learners who have been abused and ICT teaching skills
  5. Build the capacity of teachers on ICT to promote interactive learning and support learning recovery through online professional development, coaching and use of
  6. Build the capacity of teachers to monitor learner/trainee and identify those experiencing particular difficulties when they are back in the institution,
  7. Provide psycho-social support by engaging teachers and non-teaching staff to talk about their experiences and more time for active engagement including team building.
  8. Build the capacity of education officials and teachers in assessments, monitoring and evaluation of learning,
  9. Provide support in form of inspections/follow up on institutional contingency plans development and implementation,
  10. Train Heads of institutions and teachers on coordinated community response and approaches on post COVID -19 traumatic stress disorder.




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