Home KNEC Portal KCSE 2020 Joy As Riambase DEB Secondary Sends 443 (96%) Students To University KCSE...

Joy As Riambase DEB Secondary Sends 443 (96%) Students To University KCSE 2020

Riambase DEB Secondary school

Riambase DEB Mixed Secondary School is a Public Secondary School, located in Nyamache near Nyamache Town, Bobasi Constituency in Kisii County, Kenya.

The District Education Board has defied all odds to perform exemplary in the just released KCSE 2020 exam.

Total candidature in KCSE 2020 exam was 460. Of these 460 candidates, 253 were boys while 207 were girls.

Riambase mixed school has set a new record after sending over 96% of the registered candidates to university. 443 students scored c+ and above, which is the minimum university entry grade according to Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement body.

The 443 translates to 96.3% of the total registered candidates.

Riambase DEB Grade Distribution KCSE 2020 Results

The school did not register any candidate with grade A. However, there were two students who scored grade A- which is the second most coveted grade.

There were 34 students who scored B+. Huge chunk of the students scored B plain and B – (minus). 143 students scored B plain while 174 registered B- (MINUS).

Grade Entry
A 0
A- 2
B+ 34
B 143
B- 174
C+ 90
C 17
C- 0
D+ 0
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 11
Y 0
Z 0
Entry 460


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