Uploading Assignments on Zeraki Learning
The early closure of schools, caught many teachers and students unprepared and this means most schools did not get an opportunity to issue assignments to their students.
Worry no more, zaraki learning app will sort you.
Zeraki is all about using technology to solve some of the toughest challenges encountered in providing quality education in Africa.
Teachers can now upload assignments in pdf format on Zeraki Learning for your students to access while at home.
Steps to follow:
1. Download the Zeraki Learning app in playstore or go to learning.zeraki.co.ke
2. Log in with your Zeraki Analytics *username* and the default password *hello*
3. Once logged in, click on *Assignments* from the menu and click on the *add button* to add the assignment.
4. Select the form, subject, give your assignment a title, then select the type as pdf. Set a deadline and upload the pdf file.
5. Submit the assignment.
The assignment added will be visible only to your students
They will be able to access the App using the following credentials
Username: Admno@name of school e.g admno@maseno
Password: The Admission number
eg Username: 5678@maseno
Password: 5678
How To Check Results
If you wish to check results please
download Zeraki analytics app from play store or use the web version anayltics.zeraki.co.ke
Step 1: Enter username as admission number@maseno
Step 2: Enter your phone number
Step 3: Enter the reset code sent to your number.
Step 4: Set password
If you wish your child to learn during the holidays Download.
Zeraki Learning app from play store or use the web version learning.zeraki.co.ke
User Name: admission number@maseno