HomeUniversitiesHow to download Technical university of Mombasa-TUM KUCCPS Admission letters 2023/2024

How to download Technical university of Mombasa-TUM KUCCPS Admission letters 2023/2024

Technical University of Mombasa admission letter is a document that proofs that a student has been offered provincial admission into the university to pursue a certificate, a diploma or a degree course.

The official TUM admission letter contains detailed information concerning a course one has been selected to pursue. The letter contains information about the school offered admission, the faculty/school/college, department, the course one is pursuing, the duration of the course among others.

The good news is that prospective TUM students who have been selected for academic year 2023/2024 can now download their admission letters from the Technical University of Mombasa-TUM student portal.

How to download admission letters for TUM University 2023/2024

It is important to note that only students who have been offered an opportunity to TUM will access admission letters. This therefore means that before you proceed to Download your Mount Kenya University Admission Letter, it’s recommended to check and verify from your KUCCPS portal whether you have been offered an admission to TUM.

Once you have confirmed your TUM Admission Status, proceed to Technical University of Mombasa-TUM Admission Portal:  to Download your Admission letter process.
Steps to follow:
  • log into Technical University of Mombasa-TUM Admission Portal using this link: https://students.tum.ac.ke
  • Once prompted enter your Application Details, i.e Your user name and password or index number.
  • Navigate to the Admission Letter section to download and print your admission letter.

Note that Technical University of Mombasa-TUM admission letters 2023/2024 will be available at the institution’s portal once KUCCPS selection exercise is completed


  1. Visit the Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) Website (www.tum.ac.ke);
  2. Log in using your KCSE index number as user ID and Password
  3. Click at “sign in”
  4. Select “Download now”
  5. Download and print your admission letter; and
  6. Save and keep a copy of the same for your future use.


  1. Fill in the following forms downloaded:Admission and acceptance letter

viii.       Acceptance Declaration Form, TUM/ Form/ RAA/009 ix.     Student’s Personal Detail Form, TUM/Form/RAA/010

  1. New Student Admission Form, TUM/Form/RAA/012
  2. Attach a copy of the following documents;
    1. National ID/ Birth Certificate / Valid passport
    2. Fee payment deposit slip which should be 100%.
  • Acceptance and commitment statement (For minors, the parent/guardian to sign)
  1. Retrieve your admission letter from your own personal email, in case of challenges; visit TUM’s Admission office for assistance
  2. Attach O-level result slip/Certificate and other academic credentials
  • Then follow the same procedure as KUCCPS’ students as stated above under B

                     D.    STEPS FOR DOCUMENT PROCESSING

  1. Scan all the required documents in Pdf format, merge  the documents to form one continuous document , maximum size of  4MB
  2. Save the merged document using your student registration number as the name of the document g. BSIT/001J/2023
  • Unmerged documents shall not be processed
    1. Use your own email address to forward the documents
    2. Write your full name on the subject part of the email
  • The merged document be forwarded to us through email address; admissionsaugust2023@tum.ac.ke
  1. No hard copies shall be accepted due to Covid 19 control
    1. Success massage shall be forwarded to your email address upon registration

                     G.    UNIT REGISTRATION

  1. Upon successful registration proceed to ICTS/ Department for invoicing and unit registration for your name to appear on the class register.
  2. This must take place within the first two weeks of the semester
  • Obtain class timetable to enable you attend classes

                     H.    ACCOMODATION

  1. Visit the TUM’s website on ac.ke
  2. Click portals
  • Select students portal
  1. Click at e- register
  2. Use your student registration number as username and password
  3. Click at Hostel & Catering
  • Select bed booking
  • Click reserve button
  1. Then save
  2. Upon successful reservation, a message of success appears on the screen

Technical University of Mombasa-TUM Contact Information

Tom Mboya Street Tudor, Mombasa Kenya
Telephone : (254)41-92222/3
Email : www.tum.ac.ke

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