KCSE results that was released on Friday partially set the majority of the schools into celebration mood while others were stuck between despair and sadness after receiving W results.
W results from KNEC indicates that the results are withheld pending investigation over exam malpractices. While releasing the results, CS Amina indicated that results for 100 candidates were cancelled and some for few schools were withheld.
The STANDARD has reported the results for three schools in Migori county were withheld. KCSE 2018 results for Nyabisawa Girls, a top performing school in Suna, Agenga Secondary in Nyatike and Kamotobo Secondary in Kuria were withheld over alleged malpractice.
Also 226 students from Kapkenda Girls, a popular school in Elgeyo Marakwet are yet to receive their results.
On the other hand four candidates from Maragua Muslim Girls Secondary in Murang’a county had their results cancelled over examination malpractice.