The marking of the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations has concluded, and the results for the candidates are anticipated to be unveiled in the upcoming week, following the outlined schedule by the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec).
With a total of 903,260 candidates participating in this year’s KCSE exams, the process commenced with projects spanning from January to July 2023, succeeded by oral, practical, and theory papers conducted between October 23rd and November 24th, all taking place in examination centers.
Management responsibilities for the KCSE projects fell upon Center Managers, Subject teachers, Directors of Education, and Knec officials. Subsequently, for the oral, practical, and theory papers, the oversight extended to Center Managers, Supervisors, Invigilators, Quality Assurance Officers, Directors of Education, and Knec officials. Marking of the KCSE 2023 exams was scheduled from November 27th to December 11th, carried out by KCSE Knec examiners at designated marking centers.
The final step in this examination cycle involves the release of results to the public, a process set to occur from December 16th to 22nd, 2023, at Knec headquarters, known as Mitihani House. Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu will lead this effort, assisted by key officials from the Ministry of Education, Kenya National Examinations Council, Teachers Service Commission, and Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development.
A total of 234,473 teachers, known as examiners, played integral roles in administering this year’s national exams, fulfilling roles as exam supervisors, invigilators, center managers, and exam markers. The KCPE exams have already been marked and their results released, while the marking of Grade six KPSEA exams has also concluded. Out of 1,415,315 candidates who participated in the KCPE exams, and 1,282,574 in the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), the latter group can expect to receive their results in schools in January, presented in certificate form.
However, concerns loom over potential repercussions for candidates due to exam malpractices, with fears of stringent marking or adverse grading for those implicated in cheating incidents, including several notable schools.