Education Cabinet Secretary professor Magoha has retracted the ministry of education earlier communication of KCPE and KCSE 2020 candidates reopening in September this year.
In a press address at KICD, CS Prof. George Magoha gave a detailed explanation why the ministry could not continue with the gradual reopening of Primary and Secondary schools where candidates were prioritised.
First of all it is the soaring number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country– it’s the elephant in the room.
“Based on this disturbing trend, stakeholders have shelved an initial proposal to reopen basic education learning institutions in September for Standard Eight and Form Four candidate classes,” said the CS.
Secondly, the CS stated the if KCPE and KCSE 2020 candidates were to resume in September, the country will experience equity challenges where only two basic education classes reopen and transition, while all other learners lose one year.
In addition to above reasons, professor Magoha also indicated that allowing only 2020 candidates to resume will result to existence of two Form One class cohorts in the 2021 academic calendar. This will undoubtedly strain the already inadequate teaching force in the country.
Despite the 2020 Form Four cohort will have left, the total candidature is 752,836 against a candidature of 1,191,326 in Standard Eight. In view of the 100% transition policy, this means that there will be no classrooms for 438,490 learners in Form One. It will be therefore difficult to achieve the social/physical distancing measure.
Furthermore, education CS noted that Inter-county movement of students in boarding schools will pose a challenge, especially for those travelling from Nairobi, Mombasa and other counties with high incidence of infection. This will contribute to a spike in the spread of infections.
Finally, the CS cited that parents expressed fears sending their kids to schools owing to the fact that infection curve is likely to rise as we approach the Month of September.
“Since the infection curve is rising as we approach September, many parents have expressed strong reservations to sending their children to school,” stated the CS.