The training will take place between 18th and 24th September, 2022.The venue for training will be communicated to the qualified applicants at a later date.
The training exercise will be residential at a fee of kshs. 10,500. The shortlisted applicants will be notified on how to make the payment.
The Successful trainees will be incorporated into KNEC examiners’ database.
Here are the confirmed KNEC Examiners Training centres as from 18/09/2022 to 24/09/2022:
1.Hist PP1 311/1-Moi Girls Nairobi
2.Hist PP2 311/2-Mang’u High
3.Geo PP1 312/1-Alliance Girls
4.Geo PP2 312/2-Mang’u High
5.CRE PP1 313/1-Alliance Girls
6.CRE PP2 313/2-
7.Bio Pp1- moi girls Nairobi
8.Bio pp 2- Alliance girls
9.Agric P1- Moi Girls Nairobi
Primary school teachers to train as KCPE examiners in the following papers:
1. English Composition 901/1
2. Kiswahili Insha 902/1
Secondary school teachers to train as KCSE examiners in the following:
1 History and Government 311/1&2
2. Geography 312/1&2
3. Christian Religious Education 313/1&2
4. Islamic Religious Education 314/1&2
5. Agriculture 443/1&2
6. Home Science 441/1&2
7. Computer Studies 451/1
8. Biology 231/1/2/3