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KNEC Regulations for Registration of Primary Teacher Education (PTE) 2020;Requirements and Fee Structure

College / Institutional candidates entered for examinations must have been bona – fide enrolled students studying in the college/Institution for the last one year.

 Extra-territorial candidates who hold certificates from foreign examining boards that are equivalent to the prescribed minimum entry requirement will be eligible to sit for PTE examinations. Before registration for the examination, such candidates should seek equation of their qualifications from the Council and receive a letter of equivalence authorizing them to sit the PTE examination.

 The minimum entry requirement for the Primary Teacher Education Certificate examination is as follows:

  •  Mean Grade of C (plain) in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination. (or)
  • Mean grade of C- (minus) for visually impaired (VI – blind) and hearing impaired (HI) candidates and physically disabled candidates. Candidates will take eight (8) subjects from the options indicated below:

 Compulsory Subjects 

  1.  1011 Education
  2. 1012 English
  3. 1013 Kiswahili
  4. 1014 Physical Education
  5. 1015 Kenya Sign Language (for candidates with Hearing Impairment)

Optional Subjects

Candidates will be required to choose the four subjects in either Option A or Option B. 


  1. 2011 Mathematics
  2. 2012 Science
  3. 2013 Agriculture
  4. 2014 Home Science 

Option B 

  1. 3011 CRE or 3012 IRE
  2. 3013 Social Studies
  3. 3014 Art and Craft
  4. 3015 Music

Teaching Practice 

All PTE candidates must take and pass teaching practice to qualify for a P1 certificate. 

 Exemptions for candidates with special needs 

Visually impaired candidates will be allowed to opt for either Home Science or Mathematics in the place of Art and Craft.

The Council will consider a must pass in KSL when grading candidates with hearing impairment; Candidates with hearing impairment can choose  to for either Kenya Sign Language or Kiswahili.

Teaching Practice 

All PTE Candidates must take teaching practice to qualify for a PTE certificate. Each candidate must be assessed nine (9) times cutting across the different subjects registered for examination.

The candidates will be subjected to external assessment during the final teaching practice. Upon completion of the teaching practice, the candidate’s TP marks are to be uploaded into the KNEC website http://registration.knec.ac.ke/ online-pte by the external assessors in liaison with the college principal immediately after the final assessors meeting at the examination centre not later than 15th July 2020.

Note that TP marks are confidential and should not be exposed to candidates.

Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) Marks 

The colleges are expected to compile two (2) sets of the candidate’s course work marks (CAT I and II) for ALL Subjects a candidate is registered for. Upon completion and approval of the CAT marks by the college principal, the candidates CAT 1 and CAT 2 marks are to be uploaded online to the KNEC website http://registration.knec.ac.ke/ onlinepte between 2nd June and 10th July 2020.

The head of the institution is expected to sign and certify on each page of the CAT marks and submit it to Examinations Administration Examination Management division

Primary Teacher Education Examination Fees 2020

Candidates are expected to pay for the examinations as per the schedule shown in the table 2 below;

Types of Fee Payments

Total Amount Ksh

Basic​​ fee​​ for​​ regular/repeaters​​ students


Fee​​ per students​​ for​​ regular students​​ and​​ repeaters


Search​​ Fee​​ (per​​ candidate)


Teaching​​ Practice​​ Fee


Total​​ Examination​​ Fees​​ For​​ Regular​​ Candidate​​ 


Total​​ Examination​​ Fees​​ For​​ Candidate​​ Repeating​​ One​​ (1)​​ Subject


Total​​ Examination​​ Fees​​ For​​ Candidate​​ Repeating Two (2) Subjects


Total​​ Examination Fees​​ For Candidate​​ Repeating Three​​ (3)​​ Subjects




Candidates who will be referred in the PTE examinations can register to resit the 2020 PTE examination at their former training colleges.

Registration in any other must be done with authority from the Council. Principals are informed to upload the repeaters details using the repeaters option in the registration portal http://registration.knec.ac.ke/onlinepte.

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