Definition of Portfolio
A portfolio is one of the assessment tools used in educational assessment.
It is a purposeful collection of learner’s work that shows;
- learning progress,
- effort,
- achievement towards the attainment of learning outcomes.
- STEPS taken to get there
A portfolio is one of the assessment tools used in educational assessment.
Portfolio Assessment
Is an evaluation tool used to document evidence of learning through a series of LEARNERS developed;
- Artifacts- drawings,
- mathematical activities,
- environmental activities,
- creative & movements activities write-ups;
- literacy,
Why Portfolio
- Portfolios give learners the opportunity to direct their own learning
- Portfolios can be used to determine Learners’ level of achievement
- Portfolios can be used to understand how learners think, reason, organize, investigate, and communicate
- Portfolios can be used to communicate learners efforts, progress toward
accomplishing learning goals, and accomplishments. - Portfolios can be used to evaluate and improve curriculum and instructions.
Samples of Portfolio Designs
- Files
- Baskets
Ways of Keeping Portfolios
- Ring binders
- Cartoons
Types of Portfolios
- Working Portfolio
- Showcase Portfolio
- Assessment Portfolio
Working Portfolio
This is a collection of work in progress as well as finished samples of work (products).
It contains collection of work guided by learning areas, learning outcomes and core
competencies to be developed or individual learner’s areas of interests.
It contains work that can be later selected for showcase and assessment portfolios.
This portfolio shows;
- Set Goals
- Growth (Development over time)
- Reflections of progress on set goals
Showcase Portfolio
It displays the best of the learners outputs and products.
The content that goes into this type of portfolio is purely selected by a learner in
line with their interests and abilities.
This portfolio shows;
- Accomplishments
- Samples of work for placement
- Learners perception of his/her best or interest
Assessment Portfolio
This type of portfolio is used to document mastery of skills or competencies in a
particular learning area.
The content in this type of portfolio is guided by the competencies specified in the
This Portfolio shows;
- Achievement for grading
- Progress towards standards
- Samples of work for learners placement
Stages of Portfolio Development
- Planning
- Communication
- Collection of work
- Selection of work samples
- Reflection
- Feedback
a) The function / purpose– To show learners progress, achievement or mastery of
competencies , learner interest or talents.
b) Types e.g. working, show case, or assessment
c) Audience: the consumers of the portfolio e.g. teachers, parents, school administration
d) Design of the portfolio:
Storage holders.
Colour codes.
The teacher should communicate to the learners, Headteacher, other teachers
and parents about the:
a) purpose of the portfolio
b) Assessment criteria
c) Requirements
Collection of Work Samples
Learners are guided by the teacher to assemble work that reflects their own
progress and mastery of competencies.
The collection should be guided by
a) Purpose of the portfolio
b) Specified learning outcomes and competencies
c) Evaluation criteria
d) Personal goals, interests and abilities
Selection of work samples
- This is the decision-making stage where the learner selects the work to be added to the portfolio and how it should be arranged.
- The selection is guided by the type and purpose of the portfolio.
- Learners should be guided and encouraged to select the best of their own work.
- Learners should make a self assessment comment on the work selected for addition to a portfolio, and on their own work.
- The reflection statements can be:
a) Learners thoughts on their own learning;
b) Strengths and weaknesses identified;
c) Progress on the specified competency.
Questions that guide reflection include
a) What did I learn from it?
b) What did I do well?
c) Why did I choose this item? (Based on the assessment criteria or own interests)
d) What do I do to improve on the item?
e) How do I feel about my performance?
f) What are the problem areas?
g) What are others’ opinion about my work?
- The work selected for addition into a portfolio should contain feedback from peers, parents and teachers.
- Feedback should be positive and focus on the work and not the individual learner
- Feedback may be provided after the learners’ reflections on their own word
Features of a good portfolio
- Cover Page
- Table of Contents
- Entries
- Dates
- Drafts
- Reflections
Cover Page
This includes the learner’s personal details;
â—¦ Name,
â—¦ Age
â—¦ Grade,
â—¦ Gender
â—¦ School.
It also includes one or two paragraphs that show personal goals and experiences of the learner.
Table of Contents
This shows what is contained in the portfolio.
The contents can be organized based on
â—¦ learning areas,
â—¦ tasks or
â—¦ core competencies.
This includes core and optional items.
- Core items are required for each learner to facilitate decision making during
assessment. - Core items provide evidence of performance on the specified learning
outcomes or competencies. - Optional items on the other hand are the items of the learner’s choice
All entries must be dated to provide proof of growth over time.
These include initial and revised/corrected/ improved versions of learner’s aural/oral
and written/constructed products.
This could be on the level of performance, progress and feelings
about their work.
Management of classroom Assessment portfolio
The teacher should:
- Go over the portfolio with the learners at regular intervals to ensure that the
selected pieces address the learning outcomes. - Ensure limited number of entries for practical reasons. Focus should be on
Quality and not Quantity. - Involve the learners in organizing the portfolio by completing checklists of the
assignments done and include the dates on all entries. - Organize for the storage of the learners’ portfolios which should be easily accessible.
- Separate/Colour code portfolios for each class to facilitate their retrieval.
- Ensure that storage holders for the portfolio are made from manila envelopes, folders, files, or learners can improvise their own using locally
available materials
Parental engagement in portfolio assessment
- There should be a planned program for parental engagement in portfolio
assessment. - The parents should be informed about
a) Portfolio assessment;
b) Participation in learner-led portfolio conferences/interactions;
c) Provision of feedback to their child;
d) Identifying and providing learning opportunities and resources;
e) Provision of support for their child’s effort and interest.
Importance of Portfolio Assessment
- Assessment is integrated in teaching and learning process.
- Instruction goal are set at the beginning and are both clear to the teacher and the learner.
- Provides a clear profile of learners.
- Enables learners to show quality work which is done without pressure and constrains of time in collaboration with others.
- It allows demonstration of a wide range of competencies.
- It shows the learners effort to improvenand develop i.e. it demonstrates progress over time.
- It gives learners opportunity to reflecton their work.