Nyanza region drama trainers workshop is scheduled to take place at Kisii school. Through a circular signed by Nyanza Regional education coordinator, Mr. Richard L. Chepkawal, the workshop will begin on 16th Jan to 20th Jan, 2019.
Trainers will report and register on 16th Jan 2019 at 2:00pm. The three-day training exercise will take place from 17th -19th Jan, 2019.
Training shall be in the following areas; verse, narrative, play and cultural dance, stand up comedy, spoken word modern dance, film and adjudication. Each trainer will carry a participation fee of Kshs2,500.
The circular further states that highlights of the National workshop will be communicated.
Mr. Chekawal has urged all heads of schools and colleges to facilitate teachers of drama in terms of transport, subsistence and accommodation to enable them attend the training.