The return of school games follows a two-year hiatus. The games were abandoned in March 2020 in response to the fatal Covid 19 outbreak in Kenya. School sports calendar for 2022 was officially made public by the Ministry of Education, thus the wait is over.
Co-curricular activities in schools were suspended at the onset of Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, no funds were provided for co-curricular activities in the financial years 2020/21 and 2021/22.
In view of the fact that the effects of Covid-19 have declined, these activities have been allowed to proceed in a gradual manner. This was communicated through our circular referenced dated 15th November, 2021.
In this regard, the principal secretary of basic education Julius Juwan has directed school heads to vire Kshs.200/- (Kenya shillings two hundred only) per learner from the Operations account to cater for the activities.