Butula Boys High School is a boys only public boarding secondary school located in Busia county, Kenya. The school, which is one of the best secondary schools in the region, was established in 1964 with a student population of 45. They started their studies in St. Paul’s Amukura boys high school in form 1(b) where the b was for Butula. When they got to form two, the class was relocated to their current grounds. The school’s first principal was Mr. Paul Joseph, who had earlier on been their Deputy principal.
School mission; To nurture and cherish the growth of knowledge, skills and values in individuals in order to develop their potentials, promote self actualization and to make them well integrated members of the society.
School vision; To be an academic centre of excellence committed to education and development.
Butula Boys High School location;
This school is located in Sikarila sub location, Elukhari location, Butula division in Busia district, Butula constituency, Busia county. The school sits on a 10 acre piece of land and has a total teaching staff of 38. Neighboring schools include Butula Boys primary school, Butula Girls primary school, The Oasis Academy and Butula Hekima Academy primary school.
Butula Boys High School KCSE performance;
The school does so well in both local and national examinations. It usually is one of the best secondary schools in the county. In 2017, two students scored A-s, that is one with 80 points and the other with 79 points. The school also produced the best student in the county in 2018, who scored an A- of 79 points.
Butula Boys High School Form one selection;
Here, form one selection is usually done via academic merit in regards to KCPE examinations. The students who have high results and selected the school as first choice are given higher priority than others. Students are also selected via need basis where parents’ financial background is put into consideration.
Butula Boys High School Contacts;
School code; 35600007. Physical Address: P.O. Box Private Bag, Butula 50405. Telephone/ mobile number; 0710306477. Email address; info@butulaboys.ac.ke Website; http://butulaboys.shuleweb.net/