Baringo high school is a national school in Baringo county. In KCSE 2023, the school registered a candidature of 225. It managed to record an impressive mean score of 8.06222.
In addition to good performance, the school is also boasting of sending a good number of students directly to university. Of the 225 registered candidates, 178 scored more above C+, which is the minimum university entry grade. This translates to 79.11% of the total candidates.
From the school’s analysed results, one student scored the coveted grade A plain while twenty others scored grade A- (minus).
Here is distribution of grades Baringo High School KCSE 2023 Results
Grade | Entry |
A | 1 |
A- | 20 |
B+ | 27 |
B | 48 |
B- | 47 |
C+ | 35 |
C | 29 |
C- | 13 |
D+ | 5 |
ENTRY | PASS% | KCSE 2023 |
225 | 79.11 | 8.06222 |