HomeEducation News2021 Elimu Scholarship For KCPE 280 Marks & Above; Eligibility, How To...

2021 Elimu Scholarship For KCPE 280 Marks & Above; Eligibility, How To apply, Targeted Sub-counties

The Ministry of Education through Equity Group Foundation is awarding Secondary School Scholarships in 110 targeted Sub-Counties and fifteen  (15) urban centres with informal settlements to needy and vulnerable learners who attained 280 marks and above in the 2020 KCPE Examination. 

For affirmative action, candidates who are Orphans and/or from Vulnerable Communities and those with special needs and disabilities who  attained below 280 marks may be considered. 

Only candidates who sat the 2020 KCPE examinations from public primary schools in the 110 Sub-Counties and the fifteen (15) urban centres  with informal settlements will be eligible to apply. The 110 targeted Sub-Counties are as per the National Government Administrative areas that  existed in the year 2015. The list of the targeted Sub-Counties and the fifteen (15) urban centres with informal settlements are available in the  Ministry of Education and Equity Group Foundation websites: www.education.go.ke and https://egfdmis.equitybank.co.ke/register_elimu 

The applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria: 

  • Candidates with special needs and disabilities (Physical, Hearing and Visual Impairments, Autism, Albinism, Learning Disabilities and  Others); or  
  • Orphans and vulnerable children; or 
  • Candidates from vulnerable communities in the target Sub-Counties; or 
  • Candidates from urban centres with informal settlements; or 
  • Candidates: 

o Whose parents/guardians are living with disabilities that have compromised their ability to meet the financial obligations of their  children.  

o Whose families are affected by HIV/AIDS and other chronic illnesses with debilitating effects that could render parents and guardians  destitute and unable to fend for their families. 

o Whose families are affected by extreme poverty rendering them unable to educate their children. 

o Who have suffered from neglect, abuse and have no support to continue with their education. 

How to apply

Interested applicants are advised to collect scholarship application forms from the nearest Equity Bank Branch or Equity Bank Agent. Application  forms can also be downloaded from the Ministry of Education and Equity Group Foundation websites; www.education.go.ke and https://egfd mis.equitybank.co.ke/register_elimu 

Duly completed application forms including supporting documents should be submitted to the nearest Equity Bank Branch by 31st May, 2021. 

Shortlisted candidates, accompanied by parents/guardians, will be invited for interviews which will be conducted by the Community Scholarship  Advisory Committees.  

The scholarship caters for school fees, transport to and from school, learning materials and school kit for the beneficiaries for the four-year edu cation period. Please note that ONLY the candidates who meet the stipulated requirements will be considered for the scholarship. Members of the  public are urged to share this information widely so as to reach as many potential beneficiaries as possible. 


For any questions or grievances regarding the application process of the Elimu Scholarship Programme, please contact Tel: +254 763 063 000,  elimu@equitygroupfoundation.com or elimu@education.go.ke.  

Equity Center 8th Floor Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O Box 75104-00200, Nairobi, Kenya.  


Sub County  Sub County  Sub County
1. Baringo North  38. Magarini  75. Kuria East
2. East Pokot  39. Malindi  76. Kuria West
3. Marigat  40. Marani  77. Uriri
4. Chepalungu  41. Nyamache  78. Kandara
5. Sotik  42. Ikutha  79. Kigumo
6. Bungoma West  43. Kyuso  80. Murang’a East
7. Cheptais  44. Mumoni  81. Tinderet
8. Mt Elgon  45. Mutito  82. Trans Mara East
9. Bunyala  46. Mutomo  83. Samburu Central
10. Busia  47. Mwingi Central  84. Samburu East
11. Butula  48. Mwingi East  85. Samburu North
12. Nambale  49. Nzambani  86. Taveta
13. Samia  50. Tseikuru  87. Bura (Tana North)
14. Teso North  51. Kinango  88. Tana Delta
15. Teso South  52. Kwale  89. Tana River
16. Marakwet East  53. Msambweni  90. Tharaka North
17. Marakwet West  54. Laikipia North  91. Tharaka South
18. Balambala  55. Masinga  92. Kibish
19. Dadaab  56. Yatta  93. Loima
20. Fafi  57. Kathonzweni  94. Turkana Central
21. Hulugho  58. Kibwezi  95. Turkana East
22. Ijara  59. Makindu  96. Turkana North
23. Lagdera  60. Makueni  97. Turkana South
24. Suba  61. Nzaui  98. Turkana West
25. Garbatula  62. Banisa  99. Buna
26. Isiolo  63. Lafey  100. Eldas
27. Merti  64. Mandera Central  101. Habaswein
28. Kajiado Central  65. Mandera East  102. Tarbaj
29. Loitokitok  66. Mandera North  103. Wajir East
30. Butere  67. Mandera West  104. Wajir North
31. Kakamega South  68. Chalbi  105. Wajir South
32. Khwisero  69. North Horr  106. Wajir West
33. Likuyani  70. Loiyangalani  107. Pokot Central
34. Lugari  71. Marsabit  108. Pokot North
35. Navakholo  72. Marsabit South (Laisamis)  109. Pokot South
36. Ganze  73. Moyale  110. West Pokot
37. Kaloleni  74. Sololo


1. Thika  4. Nakuru  7. Nyeri  10. Machakos  13. Kilifi
2. Nairobi  5. Mombasa  8. Embu  11. Kitui  14. Naivasha
3. Eldoret  6. Kisumu  9. Garissa  12. Kericho  15. Kakamega

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