HomeGeneralTSC Requirements For Common Cadre Promotion Job Group ( K to L),...

TSC Requirements For Common Cadre Promotion Job Group ( K to L), Grade (C2 to C3)

Promotion of teachers employed by the commission is anchored on several factors including but not limited to duration of stay in current  grade and availability of funds for promotion.

For teachers in the entry grade for both primary and secondary schools, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, effects common cadre promotions for teachers after finishing three years in the that grade.

The following grades shall form common establishment in the teaching service, according to the Teachers’ Career Progression Guidelines by the Commission;

  • Primary Teacher II T-Scale 5 and Primary Teacher I T-Scale 6 for Primary Teachers Education Certificate holders;
  • Secondary Teacher III / Lecturer III T-Scale 6 and Secondary Teacher II /Lecturer II T-Scale 7 for Diploma holders; and
  • Secondary Teacher II/Lecturer II T-Scale 7 and Secondary Teacher I/Lecturer I T scale 8 for holders of Bachelor of Education or its equivalent.

TSC Automatic Promotion

For a teacher to qualify for common cadre promotion, s/he is expected to fill the ‘PERFORMANCE REPORT ON A TEACHER FOR ASSESSMENT ON SUITABILITY FOR PROMOTION/ APPOINTMENT TO THE NEXT GRADE‘ form.

Here some of the details that a teacher is required to fill

i). Name of teacher
ii). Current grade/ Job group
iii). Current teaching institution/ station
iv). Duties executed by the teacher; currently.
v). TSC Number
vi). Appointment date

The head of the institution is required to give the following information concerning a teacher who is seeking promotion

  1. Knowledge of the job and performance (whether the teacher has knowledge of the subject matter and teaching methodology or lacks basic knowledge of the subject)
  2. Ability to coach students and participate in co-curricular activities
  3. Acceptance of responsibility (whether the teacher seeks and readily accepts responsibility at all times or is Reluctant to carry full responsibility of the post, passes it in wherever possible etc.)
  4. Initiative(whether the teacher readily perceives what need to be done and gets on with it in practical manner or needs constant supervision).
  5. General conduct and personal characteristics i.e (self starter, friendly, co-operative, tactful, understanding of general office rules, sensitive to feelings of others, etc)
  6. Suitability for advancement (has the teacher in your opinion, the potential for further advancement? Yes or No. Explain.
  7.  Overall assessment for suitability for promotion to a higher post e.g outstanding worker, thoroughly reliable in performance or performance constantly below the standards required.


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