Teachers Service Commission (TSC) recruitment is one of the most transparent process as far as government employment is concerned.
The whole process starts with the commission advertising available teaching vacancies in selected schools in the country. Once vacancies have been made public, trained teachers who are unemployed are urged to submit their applications to the Secretary Teachers Service Commission through online platform www.teacheronline.tsc.go.ke.
TSC County Director MUST ensure that venues for selection process are accessible to applicants living with special needs.
Once the selection exercise is concluded, System generated Merit List is prepared by the TSC County Director. TSC County Director then distributes the Lists to the TSC Sub–County Directors. The Sub – County Directors shall use the Merit List(s) to communicate selection date and venue in consultation with the County Director.Â
It is important to note that during selection exercise, recruitment guidelines as stipulated by TSC are used.
Any applicant who is dissatisfied with the process is required to submit to the TSC County Director a written complaint immediately and send an email to the TSC Headquarters through email address: dirstaffing@tsc.go.ke not later than seven (7) days after the selection process.Â
Subsequently, TSC County Director should within seven (7) days analyze and address all complaints raised after the selection process has been completed and promptly inform the Headquarters on the action taken;Â
Where the complaint is levelled against the TSC County Director, the TSC Headquarters shall investigate the allegations and take appropriate action.Â