HomeEducation NewsMOE Guidelines When A Learner/Trainee or Staff Member Is Suspected Of Being...

MOE Guidelines When A Learner/Trainee or Staff Member Is Suspected Of Being COVID-19 Positive

When a learner/trainee or staff member develops any symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19 (e.g., new onset or worsening cough OR shortness of breath OR at least two of the following symptoms: fever of 37.5 °C, chills, muscle ache, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell) in an institution or child care setting:

  1. Inform the County Rapid Response team and the parents/ guardians for further action. Isolate the person in the designated room while they wait to be picked up by the Rapid Response Team.
  2. Institutional nurse/matron to administer first aid and keep a clear record of the nature of first aid and the time administered.
  3. Ensure that they have hygiene supplies available, including a face mask, facial tissues, and alcohol-based hand rub.
  4. Remind staff who is monitoring the learner/trainee or staff member with symptoms to practice social distancing where possible.
  5. Cordon off the space used for isolation after the ill person leaves. Open it after proper cleaning and disinfecting.
  6. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, focusing on areas where the person is known to have been and items they have touched (e.g., individual desk, bed, recently used toys, shared equipment)
  7. Wear gloves when cleaning, and wash hands after removing gloves.
  8. What to do in case of closure of educational institution due to another outbreak of COVID -19

    The Ministry of Health has indicated coronavirus will stay longer unless a cure or vaccine is found and that the country must take containment measures to mitigate the spread. There is therefore need for education sector to plan for the potential of having interruptions in educational institutions.

    In the event a COVID -19 case is detected, this information should be communicated immediately via established communication structure and there should be an immediate closure of the institution based on Ministry of Health advice to curb further spread of the virus.

    In such a case, the school management should ensure learners /trainees from the affected institution access quality and inclusive education through various flexible learning environments such as:

    • Use of online/e-learning strategies ,
    • Enhance access of offline learning materials for learners without internet connectivity,
    • Provision of study materials for learners while at home,
    • Organized way of supervising learning for learners/ trainees at home,
    • Establishment of feedback mechanisms of how learning is taking place away from the institution,
    • Enhancement of internet connectivity and affordability to benefit all learners including those in disadvantaged environments,
    • Ensuring access to Information Technology gadgets such tablets, computers etc. to learners to enable e- learning,
    • Strengthen blended learning ,
    • Engage parents and guardians in supporting learning, assessment and reporting on how learning is taking place at home,
    • Boards of management and institution’s leadership should devise most appropriate strategies in their own environment to ensure learning is taking place at home.
    • Empower parents and communities to support homeschooling of learners/trainees


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