Teachers Service Commission (TSC) payslip is a note given to teachers when they have been paid, detailing the amount of pay given, total deductions including PAYE, Union dues, and tax.
Other details that are found on a payslip include; allowances paid, loan being serviced(if any), pay point, T-Scale, year of retirement, teaching station and personal details of the teacher (Name, TSC Number, KRA Tax-Pin, age).
TSC payslip plays a vital role when it comes to making critical financial decisions. When applying for loans, you have to attach it.
The slip can also be used when seeking services of the union (KNUT, KUPPET or KEWOTA). This is when a teacher has been interdicted and probably intervention of the union can help in bailing him or her out.
How To Register Online For TSC Payslip
Last year, TSCÂ indefinitely halted online registration of payslips for teachers. This therefore means that newly recruited teachers will have to visit their respective county offices with their original identification cards (IDs) for identification.
Note that if you are visiting TSC County office during working day you must seek approval from headteacher so as to get assistance.
It is also important to take into consideration that, intern teachers can register for payslips online.
How To View TSC Payslip Online
Once you have registered for the payslip, viewing it online is simpler and straight forward. All you need is your TSC Number and Password that your were given during registration.
To view your payslip online, follow these steps;
- Click on this link https://payslip.tsc.go.ke/login.php
- Enter your TSC Number and Password.
- Finally click the Login button.
Download And Print TSC Payslip
Upon logging into your TSC payslip, you can perform several tasks including sending to third party. To download your payslip follow these steps;
- At the top of your home page click View Payslips as shown below;
- Once you have clicked on view payslips, select the year and the month you want to download and print.
- After selecting the on your bottom left click on print.
- Hurray! it is done.
Always ensure that you log out when you are using public desktops to avoid falling prey to online fraudsters who can get your Payslip details and use them inappropriately.