The body in charge of employment and dismissal of teachers (TSC) has issued tough guidelines that are meant to protect students while in schools. These guidelines are meant to make learning environment to be conducive and also protect students and pupils from sexual harassment.
This has come time when male teachers in giant schools like Moi girls-Nairobi and Maasai girls-Narok are under investigation over the rape and sexual harassment cases.
In a bid to bring sanity and order to the teaching profession, TSC has issued the following tough guidelines;
- All principals and headteachers shall ensure that for any co-curricular activity-games and sports within or outside the school, pupils and students are accompanied by at least one registered teacher of the same sex depending on the number of students or pupils involved in the activities.
- Persons not registered as teachers including teachers whose names have been removed from the official register should not be incorporated in school programmes (including co-curricular activities) to teach, coach or supervise pupils or learners .
- All teachers engaged with students or pupils in any school activity must ensure that they are released from the activities in time to enable the them reach their schools or homes before 6pm.
- In boarding schools, activities programmed to take place after 6pm must end at a reasonable time but not later than 9pm and they should be supervised by teachers registered by the commission.
It is important to note that school heads who violate this requirement would be held personally responsible, in case of any problem that will affect learners directly or indirectly.