Kenya national Examination Council is an independent body that is mandated by the government to man, the process of coming up with quality national examinations.
In addition to this, in collaboration with other other bodies like TSC and security department, the council oversees invigilation, supervision, marking, standardisation and release of these exams.
In this write up, our focus will be on services offered by KNEC:
1. Registration of examination centres
It is the responsibility of KNEC to register new examination centres.
It is important to note that the minimum candidature that an examination centre is allowed to present for the various examinations is:
- KCPE and KCSE – fifteen (15) candidates.
- Business, Technical and Teacher Education – ten (10) candidates.
- Foreign Examinations – fifteen (15) candidates.
2. Registration of candidates
This is another crucial responsibility of the council. Each centre presenting candidates for examination must ensure that they have been registered within stipulated timelines.
3. Results Confirmation, Certification & Equation Services
KNEC is tasked with the responsibility of confirming results, certification and ensuring the exam is standardised.
4. Release of examinations results
Once marking of examination papers is concluded, exam is analysed, standardised then released. The exercise of releasing both KCPE and KCSE is led by Education cabinet secretary.
5. Handling of candidates with special needs