Ministry of Education, MOE, has invited applicants wishing to be considered for admission to Diploma Teacher Training Colleges.
According to information sent to media by Dr. Julius 0. Jwan who is the Principal Secretary in the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training, registration forms can be accessed and be downloaded from the Ministry of Education‘s website,, Hard copies are available in the County Directors of Education (CDEs) offices.
Read also: List Of TTCs Approved To Offer The New Diploma in Primary Teacher Education-MOE
Application For Registration
Duly filled registration forms should be submitted to Sub-County Directors of Education Offices from Tuesday 23rd February to 7th March, 2021 by the applicants in person. Those with special needs are also encouraged to apply.
Read also: How to Apply for TSC Number Online, Application Requirements, Check Status
It is important to note that candidates are advised to register in only one Centre double registration will lead to automatic disqualification.
The following are the recommended admission requirements for the Diploma in Primary & Early Childhood Development Teacher Education in Kenya.
Read also: TSC registration requirements for ECDE teachers 2021
a) Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (Grade 1-6) entry grade is KCSE Mean Grade of C (Plain) or its equivalent with a C in the following cluster subjects.
- English and Kiswahili;
- Mathematics;
- Humanities (Any);
- Sciences (Any).
b) For candidates with disabilities the minimum entry grade is C– (Minus) and a C–(Minus) in the cluster of subjects stated above.
The duration of the course shall be three (3) years in accordance with the approved Curriculum designs.
Teaching Practice
The Trainees shall be required to cover the recommended hours for coursework, required hours for practicum and pass the assessments as directed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).
The Teacher Trainee shall undertake three months micro–teaching course which is a pre–requisite for teaching practice.