The Kenya National Exams Council (KNEC) has revealed how the Grade Six exam slated for November will be conducted.
In a statement to school heads dated Tuesday, June 5, KNEC Chief Executive Officer, David Njegere, stated that candidates will undergo a School-Based Assessment (SBA) test in their domicile institutions which will be marked by their teachers.
“Learners should be registered and assigned a number by KNEC. They should have undertaken School Based Assessment for the intermediate level and outcomes of at least one SBA uploaded on to the KNEC portal,” read Njegere’s statement in part.
Njegere further reveals that the outcome of the evaluation will then be uploaded to the portal after which they will register for the national exam. The national test will be the first under the Competency- Based Curriculum (CBC).
The CEO also added that the candidates will write five papers: Mathematics and English on the first day, Integrated Science and Kiswahili on the second day, and Creative Arts and Social Studies on the third day.
According to examination body, the schools will be expected to provide learners with materials required for the practical evaluations. Schools have been urged to improvise some of the resources they have.
Teachers will be expected to evaluate pupils and upload marks to the KILEA portal by the deadline which will be communicated by KNEC.
It is important to note that marking will be conducted using available resources and results released in line with the guidelines as stipulated by the examination body. The KPSEA exams will be marked electronically since its multiple choice-based except for Composition and Kiswahili Insha.
KNEC will upload sample KILEA papers on the portal by July 15, 2022, to help instructors familiarize with the process. “KNEC plans to administer a summative assessment, KILEA, to the first cohort of learners at intermediate level between November and December. We will upload sample KILEA papers for schools to access through their portals. This information is to enable you to plan adequately.”