KNEC has indicated that who are intending to participate in KCPE and KCSE marking exercise must confirm availability and acceptance to mark under all the KNEC regulations by clicking the accept offer button (highlighted in green) on the online platform as follows:
Read also: KNEC Outlines Obligations/Responsibilities Of KCPE, KCSE 2021 Examiners
(i) KCPE- by 20th March, 2021;
(ii) KCSE- by 8th April, 2021.
Read also: KNEC 2021 Contracted Professional; Login, Download Invitation Letter Via
Here are Instructions to Senior Examiners
- Senior examiners are requested to carry out thorough and continuous co ordination as well as accurate completion of the various documents related to Marking and Awards.
- Chief Examiners and Examiners-in-Charge will be informed the dates for co ordination meetings under a separate cover.
- All senior examiners will be availed the various documents related to their work through the KNEC Officers at the marking centres.
- The KNEC Senior Officer will issue stationery to the Chief Examiners and Examiners in Charge who will be responsible for the distribution of stationery to examiners and ensure that all non-consumable stationery items issued to examiners are returned and handed over to Centre Organizers before the examiners leave the marking centres.
- The Chief Examiners and Examiners in Charge will organize checking of marked answer scripts and the transfer of marks on to mark sheets by the Examiners. The Chief Examiner/ Examiner in Charge should be satisfied that all marks printouts and other documents have been properly completed and handed in before examiners leave the marking centre. It is the responsibility of each examiner to obtain such clearance before leaving the marking centre.
- The Team leaders will keep records of the number of scripts coordinated and marked. This record will be updated as the marking progresses. He/she must ensure that examiners sign the final document as it will form the basis for payments.
- At the closing of marking, the Chief Examiner must ensure that all examiners sign the final record of number of answer scripts marked document. No payment will be honoured unless all the examiners have signed.
- Chief Examiners/Examiners in charge will obtain from the paying officers and return duplicate copies of all the vouchers of payment of coordination fee, advance, travel and any other payments made to examiners during the marking session. These copies will then be submitted to the Senior KNEC Officer in charge of the centre who will in turn submit them to the Council office at industrial Area, Likoni Road at the end of the marking exercise.