On-line platform has turned out to be easiest and fastest mode of communication especially when disseminating information to masses. Kenyatta university has not been left behind and it has fully utilized on-line platform.
Bona-fide students and interested parties can effortlessly get timely updates and important notices regarding Kenyatta university without necessarily visiting the institution.
Among the things that can be be accessed on-line include:
- Exam alerts
- Exam timetables
- Important announcement
- Fee payment deadline
- Opening dates
- Kenyatta university graduation list 2019
- Kenyatta University Admission list 2019/2020
How to access important Kenyatta university notices and news
Important news and notices regarding Kenyatta university can be obtained by visiting their authentic social media ( Twitter and Facebook) and the website.
Here is the link to Kenyatta university news and notices
Here is the link to Kenyatta university official twitter handle